Thursday, March 9, 2023

Why Russia Hates this Indian American? Will India go Against Russia over this issue?

Why does Russia hate this guy okay so I can understand that he's an Indian American but why would Russia hate him and why will India actually defend this guy and India and Russia might go against each other on a very important topic well recently if you are aware and you read articles you probably saw a lot of these headlines Russia campaigns to keep an Indian from running the world bank now first of all this guy isn't exactly an Indian he's an Indian American and that is correct Russia might soon campaign to keep this guy away from becoming the head of World Bank because if this guy becomes a head of World Bank.

World Affairs

There is a very strong possibility that Russia might get thrown out of the World Bank system not just Russia even Belarus now now most of you people are probably quite surprised hearing this wait World Bank can do this world Bank can kick out countries from its institution altogether well yes it can and the reason that you can probably guess by now is the Ukraine war you will probably be surprised to know that in 2022 World Bank announced that it will suspend all projects all ongoing Financial projects that means any kind of loan or assistance that World Bank was providing to Russia or Belarus it has been suspended and this has been done so that these two countries stop their aggression against Ukraine and I remember when this happened a lot of countries like Syria North Korea and a bunch of other nations they criticize this decision they said a war or perhaps even a military operation should not determine the actions of the World Bank but, you know in the end this world is governed by one ultimate rule might is right the powerful always has its way a lot of people are actually quite surprised to see how U.S and Europe.


When they attacked Iraq and they overthrew the regime no action was taken by World Bank against them but World Bank has suspended all Financial activities in Russia and Belarus even though Belarus officially officially on paper has not attacked Ukraine yet but U.S and its allies are not stopping they want to punish Russia more the strategy of the West right now is punish Russia so much that they regret the decision of attacking Ukraine in the first place so a Joe Biden has already made it very clear he wants Russia or the G20 they have already managed to kick out Russia from the FATF the financial action task force Russia has been suspended here they are also discussing the possibility of kicking Russia out of multiple other groups and one such important and group is the World Bank after suspending all Financial activities in Russia the World Bank might kick Russia out and right now it has 189 members and if Russia is kicked out the World Bank will have only 188 members and how will this happen how will U.S manage to kick out Russia well in order to kick out the Russians the U.S needs this guy Ajay Banger to lead the world bank right now of course U.S has their guy leading the World Bank and the World Bank historically has been led by the United States of America interestingly almost all the presidents of World Bank.


World Bank Raises Concern Over Imminent Stagflation


All the 13 presidents of World Bank have been American citizens with an exception being one Bulgarian national who served as an acting president in 2019. the reason behind this is because U.S is the largest stakeholder of World Bank U.S has 16.59 percent stake in World Bank so U.S pretty much decides how World Bank has operated who will lead the World Bank which country will get the funds from World Bank so yeah World Bank isn't exactly all that independent it is very much controlled by U.S and right now World bank is in the process of transfer of power a new person will soon be elected as the president of World Bank and the U.S expects this guy to punish Russia even more now the question over here is is this the right thing to do will these isolating tactics work against Russia or this will just end up creating major divides in the world that will be very difficult to bridge in the near future now some of you guys might ask wait so uh what kind of a percentage what kind of a power does India have on World Bank if the U.S has 16.35 percent of the total subscriptions of World Bank.

How much does India have interestingly you might be surprised to know India has a larger share hold in World Bank compared to Russian Federation Russia has just three point zero four percent stake which isn't enough to do anything because if you look at the top stakeholders in World Bank it is us at number one Japan at number two then comes China China has around six percent stake then you have Germany UK France all Allied countries of us even Japan is obviously an Allied country of U.S and then you have India and Russia these are the top eight most powerful countries most influential countries when we talk about the World Bank so uh India as of now we will be supporting an uh Indian American for the post of the president of the World Bank so Russia's opposition will not matter much the other countries simply have way bigger stake and eventually Ajay Banga will become the president of the World Bank the question just remains when will he start punishing Russia so this topic will definitely remain in news.

 God bless you all

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