Thursday, March 9, 2023

Why Girls in Iran are being Poisoned? The news that shocked the world.

Foreign now I know most of you guys probably saw a lot of these articles recently and were wondering how can this happen how can a country do it to its own children as you can see over here it's written is Iran poisoning girls that is messed up personally I haven't seen this happening in any other country except Afghanistan I'll tell you about what the Taliban did a decade ago but just have a look at this headline hundreds of girls were poisoned in Iran intentionally to stop them from going to school and this sick mentality of stopping girls from going to school is rapidly spreading in Iran initially there were Reports look.

World Affairs

I have been following this news for a while now for many weeks there were reports there were rumors that something very weird is happening in Iran girls just fall ill suddenly and this was specifically happening in Iran's most religious City Iran's holy city of come so people were just confused why are schoolgirls falling sick well now we have an answer Iran's Deputy Minister has confirmed himself that yes there has been a poisoning of school girls the intention was to make sure that they stay away from education they stay away from school and this is a worrying sign because even though Iran's Minister confirmed that yes some people with a very sick mentality have been slowly poisoning girls he did not specifically say what action Iran take against these people who were these people to begin with and on top of that there isn't exactly as much as anger in Iran over this issue this topic should rile Iran's Civil Society but apparently the reaction just hasn't been there although the entire world is shocked and people are now thinking is the same thing that happened in Afghanistan about 10 years ago will it happen in Iran.


Frequently now let me tell you what happened in Afghanistan 10 years ago over here you can see an article from CNN what the Taliban used to do around a decade ago perhaps they'd even do it now it just isn't really covered by any news Outlet God knows but a decade ago a very disturbing case surfaced where the Taliban started poisoning Afghan girls schools what they used to do was they used to poison the water supply of the school so that all the schoolgirls get ill and then it would send a wave of fear all over Afghanistan that if you send your girls to school chances are the water will be poisoned so don't take a risk keep her at home do not send her at school and you know what this had an impact parents all over Afghanistan were concerned about the safety of their girl child and eventually the enrollment rate of girls in Afghanistan started falling in schools this was a big setback to the efforts to push forward female education in Afghanistan so this happened and you know what it was a very sad incident but even now when Taliban has reclaimed power in Afghanistan even now they have been trying to stop girls from going to school a few months ago Taliban came up with this weird rule that all the girls in Afghanistan will not receive any education Beyond sixth grade eventually they had to reverse this decision because and no one was supportive of this not the public not the International Community they faced a huge backlash but even after reversing this decision.


Taliban is trying to make sure that no girl receives college education in Afghanistan and the most concerning thing for the entire world is even though Taliban is restricted to Afghanistan for the time being their ideology is spreading look what happened in Iran was that a group that basically calls itself the devotees of the supreme leader they decided to poison this girl school and they have also warned all of Iran that if girls are not kept away from schools then their action will be much bigger they will poison schools all over Iran if girls are not barred from education this is their demand now I don't really know how Iran will manage the situation because it's very difficult to stop these fundamental groups because you cannot keep a Vigilant eye on schools all the time it is simply not possible sooner or later some fanatic might poison the water supply or poison girls in some other way so Iran really needs to look at itself it needs to take some hard decision turns its politicians its leaders must come forward and make sure that they tell these people who are trying to stop girls from going to school that this will not happen the talibanization of Iran will simply not take place because once this becomes a norm once this becomes normalized then you might see such cases happening in Pakistan as well already we are aware of the fact that girl education in Pakistan has suffered tremendously as you can see this is a report from UNESCO.


Pakistan shows the slowest progress getting poor girls into schools in South and West Asia and since Pakistan Taliban is growing stronger day by day eventually you will see instances where schools for girls will be closed down and perhaps these poisoning incidents will happen in Pakistan as well now some of you might ask a ver basicy question why are we concerned about this whatever happens in Iran and Afghanistan whatever might happen in Pakistan let them deal with it that's it's their country why are we concerned look eventually we do want a more civilized educated Iran so that it can play a more positive role in the world similarly we would want the same for Afghanistan and even Pakistan and let me tell you something Napoleon the famous French leader he once said give me an educated mother this perhaps is one of the most important quotes in support of female education he said give me an educated mother.


 I shall promise you the birth of a civilized educated Nation because once a woman is educated you are making sure that her offsprings will be educated as well they will work towards the betterment of a nation and this is how you create a civilized country which eventually helps the entire region so this is an issue that impacts not just Iran or Afghanistan it impacts the entire world and perhaps eventually one day the entire world will have to take a stand on this issue otherwise this mentality will keep on spreading.

God bless you all

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