Showing posts with label World Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Affairs. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

After 3 Wars with India we have learnt our lesson says Pakistan PM

 After 3 Wars with India we have learnt our lesson says Pakistan PM!

Recently Pakistan's prime minister Shehbaz Sharif went to United Arab Emirates and over there he made a very remarkable statement which is pretty viral in India right now he said that after three wars with India Pakistan has finally learned its lesson now you might be asking wait why is Pakistan's prime minister in UAE well the reason is very basic Pakistan needs more funds more loans to sustain its economy for the time being other than that Pakistan's prime minister has also asked United Arab Emirates to mediate to hold peace talks between India and Pakistan India of course has rejected such proposals for a very long time now we do not want third party mediation between Pakistan and India but while Shehbaz Sharif was in United Arab Emirates he appeared for an interview and during that interview he uttered these golden words now I want you to listen to this part of the interview it's really interesting think it's Diamond resources that's up to us.

We have Pakistan has learned its lesson we had three Wars in India three and the consequence of those Wars as a result it only brought more miseries to the unemployment to a Nations poverty and Millions were demoted from their level of satisfaction to a lower level satisfaction we have learned our lesson and we want to live in peace with India provide it we are able to resolve our genuine problems yes now this is very important so my message to the Indian leadership and Prime Minister Modi is that let's sit down on the table and have serious and sincere talks now the weirdest part of the entire video was Pakistan's prime minister kept raising five of his fingers all the while repeating that we have had three wars with India three well that in three and if you look at history you can even say that Pakistan and India have fought five Wars the first war of course was started by Muhammad Ali Jannah at the moment India and Pakistan.


Partitioned Pakistan launched a huge wave of attacks on Kashmir at that time Kashmir decided to merge with India Pakistan desperately tried to invade all of Kashmir But ultimately failed miserably this was the first war of Kashmir and Pakistan tested defeat in its first year of existence then we had the second war of Kashmir or perhaps all of you better know it as the 1965 war between India and Pakistan again Pakistan Unleashed a major war on India Pakistan was being supported by its European allies its American Allies but still India prevailed India defeated Pakistan done in 1965 and then comes the Big Daddy of them all the 1971 india-pakistan War a war which resulted in the ultimate humiliation for Pakistan where Pakistan actually lost 50 percent of its population even though United States of America did everything it possibly could to help Pakistan defeat India But ultimately a new nation was born Bangladesh finally achieved independence from Pakistan and you can definitely say that this war was a major Indian Victory then of course we had the xiachen conflict.


Which again resulted in an Indian Victory India till now controls the sea urchin Glacier and then we had the Cargill War you can check whichever Source you want Britannic or some other encyclopedia everywhere you will find the same outcome India won the kargil war although we had to pay a price for it but ultimately we won the kargil war so India and Pakistan technically have had five major conflicts and Pakistan has tasted feet in all five of them and Pakistan's prime minister finally admits that all these wars have taught Pakistan a lesson that they simply cannot defeat India although you can say it took them long enough it took them decades to understand that perhaps a nation that is far larger than theirs has a much bigger population cannot be defeated by them it took them long enough they made sure that the region suffered millions of people suffered But ultimately in 2023 Pakistan's prime minister has declared that Pakistan has learned its lesson the interviewer kept saying that all right both the countries have learned lessons right and Pakistan's prime minister ignored whatever she was saying he kept saying that we have learned a lesson Pakistan has learned its lesson after many defeats from India and as most of you can imagine when this interview was released a lot of people in India assumed that perhaps Pakistan has finally had a change of heart now they are uh working towards a more pacifist route they want to genuinely make peace with India but the funniest thing happened moments later after the interview was released Pakistan's prime minister's office tweeted that in reference to Mr  sharif's interview with Arabia all Arabia was a channel that took the interview the spokesman of the PM office has said that the pm has consistently maintained that Pakistan and India must resolve their bilateral issues especially the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir and they also said that whatever happens they are still not willing to accept the repealing of article 370. well at least now they don't write article 370 they just write India's illegal action of August 5th 2019 and finally they even mentioned that the Kashmir dispute must be in accordance with the U.N resolution and the aspirations of the Jammu Kashmir people so even after the interview which hinted that perhaps Pakistan is willing to have a much more softer approach towards India since it has learned its lesson the Pakistani government has hinted that perhaps perhaps Pakistan still hasn't learned all of its lessons a few more lessons are yet to be learned and this isn't a bad thing if you think about it no really it isn't a bad thing if you really think about it. 

There is a famous quote on this topic by Rumi Ofcourse Rumi was a famous person um you can say Mystic poet he once said the wound is the place where the light enters you and perhaps Pakistan has had many such wounds where the light has finally started entering Pakistan recently we have seen that Pakistan's journalists their opinion writers now openly ask their government to recalibrate ties with India otherwise Pakistan will be just made a footnote in history Pakistan might not even survive for a very long time if it keeps up it's stubborn stance against India so even though Pakistan's government which is pretty much you can say controlled by the military even though it might keep on repeating the issue of article 370 at least its journalists its prime ministers in their personal capacity are now openly saying that yes Pakistan has learned its lesson and it's time to sit down and genuinely talk peace with India which I will say is some progress although a lot of progress needs to be made but at least this is something that we can look forward to and this right here is the end of the video thank you for listening and as always God bless you all thank you

Sunday, January 15, 2023

US launched new B-21 Raider Bomber | Can it break China's air defence shield.

 US launched new B-21 Raider Bomber | Can it break China's air defence shield.

B-21 Raider

United State  Air force is Going to unveil its latest stealth aircraft which is called the B-21 Raider this aircraft falls in the category of B1 B2 bombers but then its role is much bigger it is meant for conducting surveillance and reconnaissance then long range strike and it will be capable of penetrating the toughest air defense system that any country has in this world for delivering precision air strikes it has been designed to carry both nuclear as well as Conventional Weapons and of course the new B-21 radar will differ in size the number of engines and the payload capacity compared to its predecessor the maximum speed of this aircraft which has been listed on the company website is around 600 miles per hour or more than 900 kilometers per hour although it is not confirmed whether the aircraft has two or four engines the manufacturers of the engines that is Pratt and Whitney have used the f-135 engines which is also used in  

"It's a testament to America's enduring advantages in ingenuity and innovation and it's proof of the department's long-term commitment to building advanced capabilities that will fortify America's ability to deter aggression, today and into the future"


The F-35 fighter jets this aircraft is being built at a facility in Palmdale California and it is supposed to be operational by the early 2023. the estimated cost of this plane is around 2 billion dollar and it is expected to increase every year it is a sixth generation aircraft that has breakthrough stealth technology advanced networking capabilities and open system architecture open system architecture will allow this aircraft to be compatible with various other components and technologies that are manufactured by outside vendors in simple words in future.

B21 Bomber

This aircraft can be integrated with many other future Technologies it is manufactured by a company named Northrop Grumman and they have given a specific name to this military aircraft and they call it digital bomber that means it is capable of using various Technologies and cloud computing for faster and more flexible communication it is also said that this B21 bomber is designed to break through China's impregnable air defense system so China has an anti-access area denial Shield which consists of three layers of air CN land defense networks this is considered to be world's best air defense Shield it is being said that this B21 bomber is capable of breaking through China's three layers of Defense shield and can destroy critical Chinese installations command and control centers it is also said that the B21 bomber is fully equipped to carry missiles such as jassm ER cruise missile GBU 57 bunker destroying bomb and JD am satellite guided bomb that means United States Air Force can use this bomber to carry these missiles and bombs and drop it on Chinese targets and fly back however I've also said this in my previous video China has anti-stealth ylc80 radar this radar can easily track. 


The B21 bomber usually if you see the role of a bomber aircraft is to attack ground and Naval targets by dropping air-to-ground bombs and missiles now personally I'm not sure whether the B21 bomber is capable of carrying air-to-air missile because putting air-to-air missile on a bomber would take a large investment and it would be less effective because bombers are not fighter aircrafts they don't even fly at the speed of sound because of the heavy payload bombers carry a lot of bombs and missiles so if at all the B21 bomber is detected by China's anti-stealth ylc80 radar then China's j-20 most advanced stealth fighter jet can easily shoot down the American bomber and suppose let's assume that the B21 bomber is equipped with air-to-air missile or guns even then a bomber cannot maneuver like a fighter jet and by the way China also has a stealth bomber which is still in developmental stage it is called the Xi'an H20.


This is said to be China's answer to the American B-21 Raider United States is going to launch the B-21 bomber on December 2nd 2022. the H20 bomber will be launched by China soon I believe the Chinese bomber is ready it is just a matter of choosing the right time to launch because as soon as the U.S government officially launched their B-21 bomber Chinese military and designers are going to keep an eye on it and they would like to study it and then privately draw a comparison between the American bomber and the Chinese bomber based on that if they want to upgrade or change anything they will do that and I also think that the US government is not going to reveal the whole actual aircraft now also if you look at the pictures and images of the B21 bomber on the internet it is all computer generated Graphics so let's see tomorrow that is on 2nd December do we get to see the actual B21 bomber and then later on we may also get to see the Chinese H20 bomber.

 I hope you find this Article  informative thank you for Read it.

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

THIS is India’s Biggest Geopolitical Move | Leader of the Global South!

 THIS is India’s Biggest Geopolitical Move | Leader of the Global South!

 World Affairs  now before we start discussing this topic the leader of the global South India's biggest geopolitical move before we discuss all this let me show you an image now over here you can see this beautifully drawn map and you will also see this red line that sort of divides this map into two halves this line was created in 1980s and this is called the Branded line it divides the world into two halves the north side as you can see is made up of predominantly wealthy countries the developed countries where people have a better lifestyle people are more wealthy whereas the southern part is relatively poor now obviously most of you will probably look at down here at Australia and say wait why is this curve being drawn here.


 why isn't Australia considered a part of the southern region of Earth in the Branded line well the reason behind of that is very simple both Australia and New Zealand are very developed Nations so they were kept on the Northern side of the Branded line and as the years rolled by we saw that this branded line gave birth to a much larger concept the concept of a global North a rich Global North and a poor Global South obviously one thing you will notice is that in the Branded line since this branded line was made in the 1980s at that time USSR was still in existence so most of the Central Asian countries that at that time were part of the USSR have been kept in the northern side but today when we look at the rich countries and the poor countries.


The rich Global North and the poor Global South.

We actually include the Central Asian countries as part of the global South and if humanity is to prosper if we want to make our planet a better place if we want to ensure that every human being lives a life of dignity it's important that the disparity the difference of wealth between the North and the South it must be bridged it must be brought down and this is the core basis of India's biggest geopolitical move India has decided that it will actually become the voice of the global South all the countries that you see in the global South if you count them all they are roughly about 120 countries most of these nations are rich in natural resources they have had a huge civilizational past if you look back a few thousand years ago                        Global South was actually much more prosperous and Rich than the global North so there are a lot of aspirations in global South a lot of countries that want to reclaim their past glory and India recently hosted a mega event it was called the voice of the global South and during this event India made its aspirations clear that we want to be the voice of these 125 countries in the global South the United Nations right now as it currently stands is a frozen mechanism if you just look at un four of the five permanent members of the U.N security Council belong to the global North we have just one seat in the global South so it's very important that the global South unites under one voice now obviously one question that will come to your mind is are we talking about North versus South is India trying to lead these 125 countries towards a economic struggle against the north so that we can economically uplift ourselves what is India trying to do and shouldn't
United States and Europe be worried about this concept of the global South well the answer of these questions is no not really India is not really uniting the global South again some kind of a struggle against the global North no what India is proposing is a better partnership a better understanding.



World Trade Organization at UN at various other bodies where the global South also gets a reasonable amount of benefit from the progress that Humanity as a whole mix and India's version of a global South is much different than the Chinese version yes China has aspirations of its own Global South and they have often hinted at a rivalry between Global North and Global South according to China in their version of global South there will be military alliances there will be friction between North and the South you can even say that China has passed to create its own NATO to rival the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that dominates the global North so if you look at this from an American perspective or perhaps even a European perspective they would much rather prefer and India LED Global South they would much rather prefer India to become the voice of the global South rather than China leading the global South against the north because that will be a completely different story so can we say that there is perhaps a small rivalry between India and China regarding the leadership of the global South you can say that yes I mean look when India hosted this giant Summit voice of the global South China participated as well but India announced that India will create a global South Center for excellence in India that will work as a uniting center for all of the 125 Global South countries and right now what are the two main issues that impact the global South well the two main issues are number one green energy fund the global North countries have had a much higher contribution to Global emissions and yet they haven't created a green energy fund to finance the global South countries so that we can transition to a much more cleaner form of energy this is very important to fight climate change because in the end this will not just impact the global South it will also impact.


The global North brunt of the impact will be faced by the global South countries and then there is the issue of the Ukraine Russia War now the Ukraine Russia war is predominantly you can say a glow Global North topic it's a global North issue but it has spilled over to the global South because of the conflict the oil prices have risen around the world and now the global North is pushing you can almost say forcing the global South to isolate Russia to isolate Russian food to isolate Russian food exports Russian energy exports this is a difficult task for the global South so right now at least for the time being these are the two main uniting factors for the global South and this can be an opportunity for India as well India can actually emerge as a very important geopolitical Powerhouse by becoming the voice of the global South because as I said earlier the north would much rather prefer a sane a reasonable India leading the global South rather than an aggressive and belligerent China leading all these 125 countries.

 God bless you all

Friday, January 13, 2023

India’s Most Difficult Decision | Russia and Iran want India’s Help to Break Sanctions.

Foreign Affairs now in recent times we have seen that India has been given a lot of attention in the western media the Western media has almost been obsessed about India's neutral stance why is India neutral even though it is a democracy and its relations with U.S and Europe are increasing why isn't India putting sanctions and pressure on Russia to help Ukraine in the conflict now India has made it clear that we have our own foreign policy and it will not be dictated by Western countries but let me tell you something if you thought that buying Russian oil and natural gas was a difficult decision during Ukraine war.


India will have to take a much more difficult decision in the near future because Iran and Russia again if you ask any American which are the three most evil countries according to you most probably they will say Iran Russia and China perhaps you can switch China where North Korea sometimes but definitely they will mention Iran and Russia so these two countries are actually planning to use India to bypass the sanctions that have been imposed by Western countries as you can see various articles have been published on this topic and very soon India will have to make a difficult decision whether we reject this offer of Russia and Iran or we tell the Western Nations that even in this regard we have a neutral foreign policy and we will decide what is best for us now one very basic question that you can ask is but why would Russia and Iran use India to bypass Western sanctions.


 I mean why is Western media already publishing so many articles regarding this topic even though right now their plans are pretty much on paper nothing has happened on the ground yet well first of all you need to understand is that Iran and Russia both have been sanctioned by Western Powers because of different reasons Russia has been sanctioned because of their invasion of Ukraine Iran has been sanctioned by Western Powers because of their nuclear program they are the are developing every single year and if you actually compare both the countries Russia and Iran then Iran has actually been under much heavy sanctions compared to Russia Russia still isn't in the financial action task forces Blacklist but Iran has been in fatf's Blacklist for years now but both the countries realize that in the future they will not be able to trade all that much with European union and U.S they need to find new markets they need to explore.


 new export destinations so that they can sustain their economy and in that Quest two main countries are their main pillars one is China and the second one is India and this is why both the countries will soon depend on the international north-south transport Corridor to make sure that their goods reach Africa and Southeast Asia through India now over here on the map you can see that this right here is the existing route through which Russia exports its goods it has to use a lot of trade routes that directly Commander Sweden Norway Germany France UK now most of these are NATO Nations that do not have good relations with Russia they have actually imposed sanctions on Russia so instead of using this European route what Russia plans to do is they will first make a railroad that will go all the way to the Caspian Sea after that it will go through azerbaija and then it will enter Iran and after that they have two options they can use Iran's jabahar Port that has been developed by India it is very important as you know this entire Port right now is pretty much under Indian control and then they also have the option of the bandara passport these two ports will be critical for Russia to make sure that it can regularly export to not just


 India but even Gulf and Africa and Southeast Asian countries and as these plans begin to shake up in the near future because these plans will take some time this is a 20 billion dollar project between Iran and Russia to bypass the Western sanctions but the Western media is already paranoid about this topic because they think how can India even think about supporting these two quote unquote evil Nations because in their dictionary in their school of thought India is now a western Ally now here's the thing India's foreign affairs minister Dr Raja Shankar has categorically said that Ally we never use this word this is not an Indian terminology this is a western concept because look in geopolitics if you have good relations with a country that Nation will either be your partner or your ally an ally is a much stronger term an ally will come to your Aid in war it will help you with defense equipment it will even wage war on your enemy because this is what allies do at least in geopolitical context a partner is somewhat of a loose term a partner can help you in certain aspects but also disagree with you in other aspects so India prefers to use the word partner for both U.S and Russia would you consider India an lie of Russia no I think India doesn't we are an independent country we do not Define ourselves or perceive ourselves in Alliance terms that's very much a western terminology it's not something it's not a term that we use and this will be the basis the main Foundation of Indian foreign policy for years to come because look even though.


 Western media has consistently published many articles where they have written about a formal alliance with India heck you can see this article by Nikki Haley she has been the representative of the United States of America to United Nations she wrote in 2021 that it is time to formalize a military alliance with India just like USA is an ally of UK or France the focus should be now on India how do we make India an ally but this is where India will always disagree with U.S that we do not share the same worldview as you in our world you there is no black and white there are no binaries and there is a very strong reason behind India's dance now let me give you an example as you know China is building its Naval might in the Indian Ocean in the Pacific Ocean in the South China Sea and India desperately needs to make sure that its Navy is up to the task to at least give China some competition in in the Indian Ocean and for that we need submarines now what happened recently was one of India's diesel electric submarines that we sent to Russia for some repair work it's stuck there we can't get it back because Russian Federation that is under sanctions cannot even procure the important equipment the important parts it needs to repair,


 India's submarines our submarine is just sitting idle in Russia right now and just imagine in the future if India's Arsenal keeps on piling up in Russia's factories over and over how will that impact India's defense now is U.S or Europe concerned about this no they are not heck recently as we saw U.S even decided to make sure that they will repair and give proper service and maintenance to Pakistan's F-16 fighter jets that they recently used against India so it is in India's long-term interest that Russian Federation slowly emerges out of the sanctions it starts function again with or without European or Western participation in order to change the status.

United States of America will lead a pragmatic president someone who is a Visionary who decides to make a very important four-year plan in which U.S will give India some kind of a major financial aid that will replace India's aging Russian defense equipment and American defense equipment will replace everything and I don't really see that happening because for any U.S president to do such a thing will be a very difficult job he will have to explain his own countrymen that we need to do this in the long run if we want to make sure that this gigantic nation in Asia which will soon become the most populous nation in all of the world we need to make sure that it is pro-us but I doubt if the American Congress if their Member of Parliament will even understand this need so in the coming few years definitely. you will see this happening new trading routes will emerge Iran and Russia will depend on India to bypass Western sanctions and this right here. is the end of the video if you like like this Article share it  

God bless you all 👏

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enthusiastically threw flower petals back at a cheering crowd during a road-show in Karnataka.

I ndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enthusiastically threw flower petals back at a cheering crowd during a road-show in Karnataka.  On Sund...