Saturday, January 14, 2023

THIS is India’s Biggest Geopolitical Move | Leader of the Global South!

 THIS is India’s Biggest Geopolitical Move | Leader of the Global South!

 World Affairs  now before we start discussing this topic the leader of the global South India's biggest geopolitical move before we discuss all this let me show you an image now over here you can see this beautifully drawn map and you will also see this red line that sort of divides this map into two halves this line was created in 1980s and this is called the Branded line it divides the world into two halves the north side as you can see is made up of predominantly wealthy countries the developed countries where people have a better lifestyle people are more wealthy whereas the southern part is relatively poor now obviously most of you will probably look at down here at Australia and say wait why is this curve being drawn here.


 why isn't Australia considered a part of the southern region of Earth in the Branded line well the reason behind of that is very simple both Australia and New Zealand are very developed Nations so they were kept on the Northern side of the Branded line and as the years rolled by we saw that this branded line gave birth to a much larger concept the concept of a global North a rich Global North and a poor Global South obviously one thing you will notice is that in the Branded line since this branded line was made in the 1980s at that time USSR was still in existence so most of the Central Asian countries that at that time were part of the USSR have been kept in the northern side but today when we look at the rich countries and the poor countries.


The rich Global North and the poor Global South.

We actually include the Central Asian countries as part of the global South and if humanity is to prosper if we want to make our planet a better place if we want to ensure that every human being lives a life of dignity it's important that the disparity the difference of wealth between the North and the South it must be bridged it must be brought down and this is the core basis of India's biggest geopolitical move India has decided that it will actually become the voice of the global South all the countries that you see in the global South if you count them all they are roughly about 120 countries most of these nations are rich in natural resources they have had a huge civilizational past if you look back a few thousand years ago                        Global South was actually much more prosperous and Rich than the global North so there are a lot of aspirations in global South a lot of countries that want to reclaim their past glory and India recently hosted a mega event it was called the voice of the global South and during this event India made its aspirations clear that we want to be the voice of these 125 countries in the global South the United Nations right now as it currently stands is a frozen mechanism if you just look at un four of the five permanent members of the U.N security Council belong to the global North we have just one seat in the global South so it's very important that the global South unites under one voice now obviously one question that will come to your mind is are we talking about North versus South is India trying to lead these 125 countries towards a economic struggle against the north so that we can economically uplift ourselves what is India trying to do and shouldn't
United States and Europe be worried about this concept of the global South well the answer of these questions is no not really India is not really uniting the global South again some kind of a struggle against the global North no what India is proposing is a better partnership a better understanding.



World Trade Organization at UN at various other bodies where the global South also gets a reasonable amount of benefit from the progress that Humanity as a whole mix and India's version of a global South is much different than the Chinese version yes China has aspirations of its own Global South and they have often hinted at a rivalry between Global North and Global South according to China in their version of global South there will be military alliances there will be friction between North and the South you can even say that China has passed to create its own NATO to rival the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that dominates the global North so if you look at this from an American perspective or perhaps even a European perspective they would much rather prefer and India LED Global South they would much rather prefer India to become the voice of the global South rather than China leading the global South against the north because that will be a completely different story so can we say that there is perhaps a small rivalry between India and China regarding the leadership of the global South you can say that yes I mean look when India hosted this giant Summit voice of the global South China participated as well but India announced that India will create a global South Center for excellence in India that will work as a uniting center for all of the 125 Global South countries and right now what are the two main issues that impact the global South well the two main issues are number one green energy fund the global North countries have had a much higher contribution to Global emissions and yet they haven't created a green energy fund to finance the global South countries so that we can transition to a much more cleaner form of energy this is very important to fight climate change because in the end this will not just impact the global South it will also impact.


The global North brunt of the impact will be faced by the global South countries and then there is the issue of the Ukraine Russia War now the Ukraine Russia war is predominantly you can say a glow Global North topic it's a global North issue but it has spilled over to the global South because of the conflict the oil prices have risen around the world and now the global North is pushing you can almost say forcing the global South to isolate Russia to isolate Russian food to isolate Russian food exports Russian energy exports this is a difficult task for the global South so right now at least for the time being these are the two main uniting factors for the global South and this can be an opportunity for India as well India can actually emerge as a very important geopolitical Powerhouse by becoming the voice of the global South because as I said earlier the north would much rather prefer a sane a reasonable India leading the global South rather than an aggressive and belligerent China leading all these 125 countries.

 God bless you all

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